Care and Support

Line of Enquiry
Features that help
1. Suitability of the service

The extent to which a service provider considers a wide range of views and information, to confirm that the service is able to meet individuals’ needs and support people to achieve their personal outcomes.

2. Development and review of the personal plan

The extent to which individuals feel confident that service providers have an accurate and up-to-date plan for how their care is to be provided in order to meet their needs.

3. Standards of care and support

The extent to which individuals are provided with the quality of care and support they need through a service designed in consultation with the individual and which considers their personal wishes, aspirations and outcomes of any risks and specialist needs which inform their needs for care and support.

4. Access to health and other services

The extent to which individuals, for whom accommodation is provided, are supported to access healthcare and other services to maintain their ongoing health, development and wellbeing.

  • N/A
5. Safeguarding

The extent to which service providers have in place mechanisms to safeguard vulnerable individuals to whom they provide care and support.

6. Hygiene and infection control

The extent to which the service promotes hygienic practices and manages risk of infection.

7. Medication Management

The extent to which the service has safe systems for medicines management.

  • N/A
8. Supplies

The extent to which the service has sufficient quantities of supplies for their care and support needs.

  • N/A