My environment is secure and safe.
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My environment is relaxed, welcoming, peaceful and free from avoidable and intrusive noise and smells.
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My environment has plenty of natural light and fresh air, and the lighting, ventilation and heating can be adjusted to meet my needs and wishes.
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I have enough physical space to meet my needs and wishes.
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I am able to access a range of good quality equipment and furnishings to meet my needs, wishes and choices.
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I experience an environment that is well looked after with clean, tidy and well maintained premises, furnishings and equipment.
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If I live in a care home, I can use a private garden.
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If I live in a care home and want to keep a pet, the service will try to support this to happen.
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As a child or young person living in care home, I might need or want to share my bedroom with someone else and I am involved in this decision.
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As an adult living in a care home, I have my own bedroom that meets my needs but can choose to live with and share a bedroom with my partner, relative or close friend.
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As an adult living in a care home, I have enough space for me to sit comfortably with a visitor in my bedroom.
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As an adult living in a care home, I have ensuite facilities with a shower and can choose to use a bath if I want. If I live in a small care home that has not been purpose built, I might need to share a bathroom with other people.
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