Responsive care and support
I experience high quality care and support based on relevant evidence, guidance and best practice.
I receive proper notice and I am involved in finding an alternative if the service I use plans to close or can no longer meet my needs and wishes.
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I have enough time and support to plan any move to a new service.
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My care and support is provided in a planned and safe way, including if there is an emergency or unexpected event.
I experience stability in my care and support from people who know my needs, choices and wishes, even if there are changes in the service or organisation.
I am supported and cared for by people I know so that I experience consistency and continuity.
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If I am supported and cared for by a team or more than one organisation, this is well co-ordinated so that I experience consistency and continuity.
I benefit from different organisations working together and sharing information about me promptly where appropriate, and I understand how my privacy and confidentiality are respected.
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I benefit from a culture of continuous improvement, with the organisation having robust and transparent quality assurance processes.
I know how, and can be helped, to make a complaint or raise a concern about my care and support.
If I have a concern or complaint, this will be discussed with me and acted on without negative consequences for me.
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If the care and support that I need is not available or delayed, people explain the reasons for this and help me to find a suitable alternative.