I can choose to have an active life and participate in a range of recreational, social, creative, physical and learning activities every day, both indoors and outdoors.
I can choose to spend time alone.
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I am supported to achieve my potential in education and employment if this is right for me.
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I am supported to make informed lifestyle choices affecting my health and wellbeing, and I am helped to use relevant screening and healthcare services.
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I am supported to be emotionally resilient, have a strong sense of my own identity and wellbeing, and address any experiences of trauma or neglect.
As a child, I have fun as I develop my skills in understanding, thinking, investigation and problem solving, including through imaginative play and storytelling.
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As a child, my social and physical skills, confidence, self-esteem and creativity are developed through a balance of organised and freely chosen extended play, including using open ended and natural materials.
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As a child, I play outdoors every day and regularly explore a natural environment.
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I can choose suitably presented and healthy meals and snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables, and participate in menu planning.
If I need help with eating and drinking, this is carried out in a dignified way and my personal preferences are respected.
I can enjoy unhurried snack and meal times in as relaxed an atmosphere as possible.
If I wish, I can share snacks and meals alongside other people using and working in the service if appropriate.
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My meals and snacks meet my cultural and dietary needs, beliefs and preferences.
If appropriate, I can choose to make my own meals, snacks and drinks, with support if I need it, and can choose to grow, cook and eat my own food where possible.
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I can drink fresh water at all times.
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