Responsive care and support
I am fully involved in assessing my emotional, psychological, social and physical needs at an early stage, regularly and when my needs change.
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I am assessed by a qualified person, who involves other people and professionals as required.
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My future care and support needs are anticipated as part of my assessment.
My personal plan (sometimes referred to as a care plan) is right for me because it sets out how my needs will be met, as well as my wishes and choices.
As a child or young person needing permanent alternative care, I experience this without unnecessary delay.
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I can choose from as wide a range of services and providers as possible, which have been planned, commissioned and procured to meet my needs.
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I have time and any necessary assistance to understand the planned care, support, therapy or intervention I will receive, including any costs, before deciding what is right for me.
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My care and support meets my needs and is right for me.
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I am in the right place to experience the care and support I need and want.
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I am enabled to live in my own home if I want this and it is possible.
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I can be independent and have more control of my own health and wellbeing by using technology and other specialist equipment.
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My needs, as agreed in my personal plan, are fully met, and my wishes and choices are respected.
Any treatment or intervention that I experience is safe and effective.