Theme 2
Effective Services
Each resident has a care plan, based on an ongoing comprehensive assessment of their needs which is implemented, evaluated and reviewed, reflects their changing needs and outlines the supports required to maximise their quality of life in accordance with their wishes.
Each resident’s needs in relation to hydration and nutrition are met and meals and mealtimes are an enjoyable experience.
The design and delivery of the residential service maintains and supports physical and psychological wellbeing for those who are cognitively impaired while achieving best health and social care outcomes.
- N/A
Each resident receives palliative care based on their assessed needs, which maintains and enhances their quality of life and respects their dignity.
Each resident continues to receive care at the end of their life which respects their dignity and autonomy and meets their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.
The residential service is homely and accessible and provides adequate physical space to meet each resident’s assessed needs.
- N/A
The design and layout of the residential service is suitable for its stated purpose. All areas in the premises meet the privacy, dignity and wellbeing of each resident.
- N/A
Each resident’s access to residential services is determined on the basis of fair and transparent criteria.
- N/A